Events Gallery ErrorTutankhamun Centenary CakeAESWA cake to celebrate centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb AllOTHER EVENTSNOTABLE EVENTSAllOTHER EVENTSNOTABLE EVENTSEGYPTOLOGIST DR. JANET DAVEYUsing forensic science to discover the secrets of mummiesEGYPTOLOGIST DR. JANET DAVEYDinner with AESWA members after Saturday workshop on mummies and pyramidsBUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE 2017The blokes show off their AESWA apronsEGYPTOLOGIST DR. JANA JONESAESWA weekend workshop, Tutankhamun—The Whole StoryEGYPTOLOGIST LUCIA GAHLINRelaxing after her AESWA lecture, The Iconography of NefertitiEGYPTOLOGIST DR. MICHAEL BIRRELLA Sunday workshop on Egypt’s Pharaohs of the SunEGYPTOLOGIST DR. NIGEL STRUDWICK’S WorkshopNigel’s describes his excavations in the tombs of Thebes2017 AESWA CHRISTMAS CARDA wish for peace featuring Merson's Rest on the Flight into Egypt2016 AESWA AUSTRALIA DAY BREAKFASTAESWA members keeping cool in the shadeAESWA ANNIVERSARY LUNCH 2017AESWA members at the Antico Caffe in Perth2017 ANNIVERSARY LUNCHInvitation with vintage Egyptian feastAESWA Q & A Perth MuseumQ & A at Perth Museum - 22 Sept. 2023WA Museum - King Tut's CurseWA Museum - King Tut's CurseWA Museum - HieroglyphsWA Museum - HieroglyphsAESWA 27 Anniv. Cake27 Anniversary CakeWA Museum - HerakleionWA Museum - HerakleionTutankhamun Centenary CakeAESWA celebrates Tutankhamun's tomb2022 Australia Day BreakfastMembers enjoy Australia Day 201625th Anniversary CongratulationsAESWA 25th Anniversay Banner25th Anniversary CakeAESWA Celebrates its 25th Anniversary2019 AUSTRALIA DAY BREAKFASTAESWA’s annual breakfast barbeque includes vegan options2018 AESWA CHRISTMAS CARDHope for eternity—Egyptians thought of it first2018 AUSTRALIA DAY LUNCHThe Amarna royals celebrating like AussiesSausage Sizzle May 2021Sausage Sizzle May 202120th ANNIVERSARY CAKEAESWA celebrates our 20th anniversary 1996 - 2016PERTH CHRISTMAS PAGEANTAESWA historical re-enactors march in the 2006 parade2017 BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLEAESWA’s first sausage sizzle fundraiser